TLA Table

Particular physiotherapy table divided transversally.
The caudal section of the table ca be slowly adjusted up- or downwards and rotated in the left or right direction by means of an electric servo-mechanism, through which the therapist can position or mobilize the lumbosacral spine tridimensionally. Excursion and speed of the rotation are conceived within the limits of absolute safety.


The table is supplied with special vertical and transversal bars.
The patient can grip these bars "pulling" it's own body making in this way efforts of "Active Lumbar Traction". To avoid the eventual slipping of the patient's body during the traction session the same can be fixed onto the caudal section of the table by means of a pelvic belt. On the caudal section of the table there are further bars who can be used by the patient for the lower limb.


The Active Lumbar Traction (TLA) originates from the Swedish method of auto-traction, a mechanical type of treatment for lumbosciatic pain due to benign mechanical compression causes.
Among the mechanical causes we can include radicular syndromes due to protruded or herniated discs – both laterally and centrally located or extruded, single or multiple – as well as the insidious spinal stenosis syndromes, in which lumbosciatic pain is associated with forms of claudication resembling those caused by vascular pathologies. Patients formerly submitted to surgery and now suffering from its consequences, or relapses of previous syndromes are also eligible for treatment.

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