Standup with Harness

This device allows the user to assume and maintain an upright position, and to move around indoors aided by a carer. The lift is carried out by an electric motor with hand control. While being lifted the user is safely accompanied by the lateral fix supports. They are two handles onto which the user can hold. The service tray is provided with a system of multiple adjustments by sliding, both in height and depth. The aid is provided with four casters which allow it to be pushed by hand. The footplates are completed with adjustable heelrests (AC0686).The adjustment of the height of the main structure, directly involving the setting of the knee supports and the service tray is served by a gas spring controlled by a lever fixed on the lateral support. Back support is provided by a harness, which once the upright position is reached, works as a support. The harness has an external pocket which makes it easer for the carer to position it under the patients buttocks. The whole system of adjustments allows to better suit the whole aid accordingly to the anthropometric characteristics of the user. For further information, please refer to the section on options, accessories and adjustments.


Any person who may not be cooperative, or either is not stable while seating, not even with both hands on the handles, can use this standing frame with a harness. There is an external pocket which makes it easer for the carer to position it under the patients buttocks. The geometry of the lifting forces reduces the load on hips and knees, which are often aching in the elderly. Anyway, the load is higher than the one perceived with the standing frames with the seat, which is almost null. Homes for the elderly and rehabilitration centers, which could require the use of the standing frame by more than one person may prefer this type of standing frame or a model of the EASY UP series because they are very appropriate and they reduce the work load on behalf of the carers.

Product Information

Weight:64 kg
Safe working load:140 kg
User stature:140 ÷ 200 cm
Handle-thoracic support group:not movable while lifting
Electric servo-assisted lift:electric
Structure height adjustment:gas spring
Overload protection:acustic and on display
Parking brake:individual, on four castors
Speed of movement (joystick):not available
Frame height from ground:31 mm
Frame height from ground:31 mm
Maximum climbable slope:not available
Operation time (lift):with a 140 kg user and fully charged batteries, 30 cycles of lifting aprox
Average recharging battery time:6-8 hours
Battery charging level:multi-color display
Auto off:as standard
Fault diagnostics and maintenance:on display
Anti-crushing safety system:not as standard (accessory)