seca 644

EMR Ready Multifunctional Handrail Scale


Optimal stability.

Equipped with an extremely low-level, easy-access platform, a stable handrail, and high weight-bearing capacity, this multifunctional scale ensures safe and comfortable weighing of heavy patients. The integrated handrail provides the patient with support throughout the weighing process – or a chair can be placed on the generous platform for the patient to sit in. The Pre-TARE function with three memory cells automatically deducts a stored weight (such as a chair) to determine net weight. Moreover, the seca 644 is made mobile by two rubber wheels and a power supply provided by rechargeable batteries or power adapter. When the scale is connected to a printer, the time of weighing and the patientʼs weight are automatically recorded and printed by the time module.

Product Information

Compatible with all EMR systems and EMR ready seca products.
Stable railing provides support during weighing.
Extremely flat, large platform.
BMI function.
Net Weight55.9 lbs
25.4 kg
Product Width25.2 inches
640 mm
Product Height45.3 inches
1, 150 mm
Product Depth26.0 inches
660 mm
Graduation50 g
0.1 lbs
Capacity360 kg
800 lbs