Electra 4-Cell Bath

The ELECTRA galvanic bath tub has been designed for galvanic current applications to the upper and lower limbs.
Galvanic current flowing from one limb to the other causes polarization of the tissues. Polarization can be considered as a temporary intra-cellular and extra-cellular disorder in the dynamic metabolic disturbances.

The body protects itself from this condition with a controlled neural and humoral reaction.
The main effect of polarization is hyperaemia, particularly in the capillary zones.
Galvanic baths are particularly recommended for: disorders of the central nervous system, neuralgia, polyneuritis, non-paralytic poliomyelitis and in situations of increased or decreased sensitivity of the afferent and efferent nerves.

Degenerative and chronic inflammatory disorders of the motor system, mainly of the joints of legs and hands, muscular rheumatisms and other types of rheumatisms of the small joints.
Traumatogenic conditions. Vasoneurosis, vast muscle spasticity, myoclonic contraction, terminal phase of Sudeck’s atrophy, and decreased muscle tone in the limbs. The descending currents have a calming effect.
This result is achieved by connecting the body’s upper extremities to the source positive pole, and the lower ones to the negative pole.
When connected with inverse polarity, the application stimulates the vegetative nervous system.

Standard equipment

  • Ergonomic design for patient and operator
  • Comfortable patient seat
  • Treatment time programmable up to one hour
  • Higher current value up to 500 mA per cell
  • Maximum current between the cells up to 30 mA
  • Current can be set as galvanic, monophase, Double-phase, CP and LP. Graphic visualization of current curve and flow direction
  • Easy to use and control through a graphic display with touch panel
  • External electrode
  • Height adjustable legs


Electrode combination and types of current can be programmed and stored in series, based on the doctor’s recommendations.

Product Information

Dimensions128 x 95 x 95 - 97.5 h cm
Useful Tub CapacityUpper Limb 12 x 21 L - Lower Limb 24.5 x 2 L
Max Tub CapacityUpper Limb 14.5 x 2 L - Lower Limb 27 x 2 L
Weight56 kg
Max Hot Water Temperature60°C
Power Supply230 V, 50 Hz
Power Input30 VA
Accuracy of Current Reading+/- 10%
Accuracy of Time Reading+/- 5"h
Current Adjustment in the Cells2 mA Step
Max Speed of Current50 mA/s
Current Range20 - 500 mA
No. of Electrodes9
Source Polarity SelectionEach Electrode
Polarity IndicatorEach Electrode
Max Output Voltage24 V
Partial Rectification50 Hz Mono-Phase (MF)
Total Rectification100 Hz Dual-Phase (DF)
1 Sec MF + 1 Sec DFCP
Electric Protection Class Class I
Protection DegreeIP 54